Please check what you wear as some materials can make you sick!
Clothing Frequency
“Flax fabric is an excellent filter protecting against chemical exposure, noise & dust…”
Linen, wool, cashmere, hemp, organic cotton, leatherLOW FREQUENCY FABRICS
Rayon, bamboo, silk, polyester, nylon, viscose, acrylic, anything static resistantFABRICS TO AVOID
1. RAYON - Created with recycled woof pulp; manufacturers apply chemicals to it
2. NYLON - This fabric is petroleum-based & use chemicals like caustic soda, chloroform, terpineol, limonene, pentene, sulfuric acid & even formaldehyde
3. ACRYLIC - This fabric is very bad for the environment & can cause breast cancer
4. POLYESTER - Made from toxic chemicals that cause cancer, skin problems & respiratory problems